wtorek, 31 maja 2016

Urodziny #nicminiewisi we Wrocławiu

         Pierwsze takie wydarzenie, które z pewnością zapamiętam na długo. Rok akcji promującej poprawne noszenie. Impreza z tortem, festiwal noszenia, bliskości, wszędzie pełno dzieci i rodziców. Wow. WOW!

          Wróciliśmy wczorajszym popołudniem (matka dwójki dzieci nie ogarnia i pisanie jednego postu przedłużyła... znacznie^^), festiwal był w sobotę, a ja jeszcze jestem pełna emocji po wydarzeniu. Zamykam oczy i widzę rozwieszone chusty, dziesiątki zamotanych rodziców, wszędzie hasztagi. Wspaniała atmosfera udzieliła się mi już na samym początku i trzyma nadal. Zawsze wiedziałam, że noszenie jest spoko!

          Cały nasz wyjazd zaczął się już w piątek - to był dzień robienia listy rzeczy, które trzeba zabrać, prasowania i niespiesznego pakowania. Byłam podekscytowana do granic możliwości i w rezultacie poszłam spać chwilę po trzeciej w nocy. Nic to, że pobudka miała być o 5. Nawet melisa nie pomogła! Po łóżkowych obrotach, mamrotach, chwili tulenia udało nam się wreszcie wstać i tym razem już nieco mniej niespiesznie przygotować się na wyjście, zjeść śniadanie, zapakować samochód i wyruszyć w 200 kilometrową drogę do Wrocławia. Zdążyliśmy być punktualnie, o 10:00 staliśmy przed drzwiami BarBary!

          Impreza urodzinowa odbyła się w fantastycznym miejscu. Barbara to budynek, który pomieścił wszystkich bawiących się na urodzinach #nicminiewisi. Było wystarczająco dużo miejsca by mogły bawić się dzieci, by można było napić się kawy czy zjeść obiad, zrobić warsztaty, posłuchać panelistów, porozmawiać w realu z ludźmi z Internetów i nie wiem co jeszcze!

           Ale do rzeczy!

Fot. Piwnooka <3

           Magda (ta wspaniała Magda <3) zadbała o wszystkie szczegóły. Jako gość czułam się rozpieszczona - pyszne haszciasteczka i haszbabeczki. Widelce do tortu, którym nic nie wisiało. Wystawa plakatów Joasi Izydor (dostałam jeden, idealny! Mój! <3). Zabawy dla dzieci. Opaski i tatuaże. Cudnie, cudnie!

           Początkowo byłam zestresowana i sama nie wiedziałam co robić. Całe szczęście mój mąż, jak zwykle, był gotów do pomocy - w ogóle nie musiałam martwić się o dzieci. Przebrałam się* i wśród innych koleżanek zaangażowanych w imprezę czekałam na warsztaty. W czasie przed nimi poznałam dziewczyny, które znam tylko z Sieci.

           Wypiłam kawę, która wcale mi nie pomogła. Wreszcie nadszedł czas, założyłam wygodny warsztatowy strój i razem z Madzią Chmielewską poszłyśmy do sali warsztatowej uczyć kangurka. W moim odczuciu, choć czasu było (jak zawsze^^) mało - nauka wiązań się udała. Mam nadzieję, że rodzice pracujący ze mną byli równie zadowoleni ;)

            W czasie trwania wszystkich warsztatów, równolegle odbywały się panele dyskusyjne - o noszeniu, rodzeniu i naturalnym karmieniu. Chciałam słuchać wszystkich bardzo dokładnie, ale nie udało się. Z jednej strony żałuję, bo chciałam posłuchać co o noszeniu mają do powiedzenia wszyscy paneliści, z drugiej jednak strony, zmęczenie, utęskniona Poluchna, chęć na kawę i pogaduchy z ludźmi. Podzieliłam: trochę słuchałam dyskusji, a trochę byłam w realu z ludźmi z Internetu <3

           Panel, w którym uczestniczyłam razem z cudowną Antonówką, Aniami: z Koszulove i od Alaantkowe BLW najpierw przyprawiał mnie o zawał, ale dzięki nieocenionej i wyluzowanej Agacie stał się dla mnie - ot. dyskusją o naturalnym karmieniu. Mogłabym (jednak!) siedzieć tam z dziewczynami i gadać, gadać, gadać.

          Po "moim" panelu wszystko poleciało już tak szybko, że zanim się zorientowałam,że reszta stresu ze mnie schodzi - przyszła pora na tort, śpiewanie "sto lat", wielkie gratulacje i już potem wielki luz :D Na koniec spotkania zorganizowano taniec z dziećmi w chustach i warsztaty dla doradców (prowadzone przez Magdę Konieczkę - organizatorkę Konferencji Noszenia). No jasne, że poszłam się doszkolić ;)

Fot. Emilia Barska-Gębska


Tutaj filmik, którym Madzia chciała nam powiedzieć czym dla niej było to wydarzenie <3 Jestem zachwycona!

Madziu, dobra robota! Jestem zachwycona festiwalem, chcę więcej! <3

         Cały wyjazd do Wrocławia, łącznie z wypoczynkiem rodzinnym uważam za absolutnie udany! Pogoda nam dopisała, humory dzieci również, atmosfera na urodzinach była niesamowita i nawet jeszcze dziś, kiedy kończę pisać ten post - wirują we mnie chusty <3.

           Po więcej pięknych zdjęć z wydarzenia zapraszam Was tutaj: o tutaj. A poniżej w kadrach nasz rodzinny wyjazd :)


       *Zaangażowanym w urodziny #nicminiewisi pomogła się ubrać wrocławska firma Ottaviano. Ja kupiłam sobie sukienkę, którą wykorzystam wiele razy. Jest bardzo starannie uszyta i przyszła przepięknie zapakowana. Cud miód, teraz czekam na butelkową zieleń w ich asortymencie. Marzy mi się taki kombinezon <3

90 komentarzy:

  1. Cudowna rodzinka, cudowna Ty i niesamowicie Ci z grzywką!!! Kibicuję Wam z całego serduszka, realizuj się <3

  2. heather@mail.postmanllc.net

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  4. GenoDrive Male Enhancement Male Enhancement GenoDrive Male Enhancement is made up of the natural ingredients only. This natural male enhancement supplement is made in the USA and it is also clinically tested. The ingredients of this testosterone booster are following, Shilajit This ingredient boosts the libido levels in your body. It is perfect for boosting the testosterone while combined with the other ingredients of the product. Low libido levels can cause weakness and health damages. Boron Citrate It controls the estrogen in your body and improves the levels of testosterone. Only 10mg of boron can increase.

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  7. Now you just have to throw out what you thought was true about fats. Firstly, fat does not ''make you fat''. Most of the information about the evils of saturated fats, in particular, is so disproportionate or plain wrong anyway; on a ketozin genic diet it is doubly ketozin inapplicable. Saturated fats make ketozin sis fly. And don''t worry; your heart will be better than fine and your insulin sensitivity will NOT be reduced (there is no insulin around in the first place)!

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    If any male enhancement product maker claims their product works 100% of the time for everyone, they are making false claims and misleading the consumer that it is going to work for everyone. What many male enhancement pill companys do claim and back is that their products do workfor 85-90% of all men who have taken them.


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    Many male enhancement pills include ingredients that are a carefully selected combination of the right amount of rare tropical herbs, usually 4-7 herbs, processed through a secret extraction process that produces the incredible results of these products with consistency, so you can always rely on that same amazing effect on your penis, time and time again! Male enhancement products will never leave you hanging, no pun intended!


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    In order to make it easier to find a quick keto-friendly option, I've compiled a list of several restaurants and fast food places and those items that I've found to be the lowest carb (and most emotionally satisfying) choices. These are not all perfect options, but when you're stuck with no other choices due to time or location constraints, they'll do in a pinch.

  13. Slim Quick Keto
    Pizza Hut and other pizza places - It is possible to get used to eating pizza with no crust. You need to eat twice as much, but if there's a party or dinner out that you can't avoid at a pizza place, just slide the cheesy toppings off and eat the big messy pile of cheese and toppings. A side salad is a nice addition. Otherwise, just opt for making pizza at home with a low-carb crust.

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    . One of the problems for many people who are not in sufficient physical shape is that HIIT requires a significant level of aerobic conditioning that many people do not possess. If you do not feel prepared for something as intense as HIIT, then start off with steady state cardio (ie walking, jogging) until you are able to maximize intensity.

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    If you already have to wake up at 5AM to get ready for work, then you may not take too kindly to the idea of waking up an hour earlier at 4AM just to get cardio in. The bottom line is this: if cardio in the evening works best for you, then by all means do it. Cardio in the PM is better than no cardio at all.

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    Semen or sperm pills are not designed to enlarge the penis or target stamina. Common ingredients include zinc which is essential for sperm production and Swedish flower pollen as well as other ingredients that enhance sperm quality and sperm count.

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    There is something like 108 MILLION Americans currently who are either slightly overweight, or battling obesity. That's 61% of adults! Sadly, around 95% of those who are able to reduce weight will gain it back within few years. The thought of that truly frustrates me to a point that I'd rather not discus. A major factor in that reason is eating unhealthy is thrown in our faces every three minutes on TV along with allot of the printed ads. Not to mention that in today's economy it is usually cheaper. Another reason why people fail in maintaining the body weight they may have quite literally worked their butts off to lose, may be the insufficient education and guidance. Whether it's lacking furthering their knowledge in nutrition, or even lack of knowledge in supplements that assist in dieting and maintenance.

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    Wendy's - Again, you can get your burger in a lettuce wrap or a box. Any burger with toppings. Mayo has corn syrup, and is 1g. The chicken grill fillet is 1 g. It can be ordered in the chicken club sandwich or the ultimate chicken grill sandwich. Best salads: chicken caesar (7g), blt chicken salad with grilled chicken. Side salads aer 6g or 2g for Caesar.

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    Garlic has germanium in it. Germanium is an anti-cancer agent, and garlic has more of it than any other herb. In lab tests, mice fed garlic showed no cancer development, whereas mice that weren't fed garlic showed at least some. In fact, garlic has been shown to retard tumor growth in human subjects in some parts of the world. Another benefit of garlic is it helps regulate the body's blood pressure. So whether you have problems with low or high blood pressure, garlic can help equalize it. Garlic helps strengthen your body's defenses against allergies; helps loosen plaque from the artery walls; helps regulate your blood sugar levels; and is the best choice for killing and expelling parasites such as pin worms from the human body. In addition to all these health benefits, garlic is packed with vitamins and nutrients. Which include protein, potassium, Vitamins A, B, B2 and C, Calcium, and Zinc and many others. Be aware that Garlic and onions are toxic to cats and dogs. Garlic can thin the blood similar to the effect of aspirin. Drinking lemon juice or eating a few slices of lemon will stop bad garlic breath.

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    Comfrey is a cell proliferator and speeds healing. It is easy to grow, just plant in a well-watered spot in the sun. Soon you will see the large fuzzy leaves start to come up. You can pick the leaves directly and wrap on a sprain, cut or wound. I like to make tinctures out of the root, which I then make into oils and lotions. Comfrey root is very useful when made into a cream by mixing and warming, olive oil, and coconut oil together, then adding some of the tincture

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    A lot of men would choose being well-endowed instead of how they are physically equipped now. However, most men who opt for male enhancement treatments don't have a clue on which product or treatment to try since there are a hundred different brands in the market all offering the same male enhancement outcome. Good thing there are homemade male enhancement techniques which can help. This article would attempt to explain how you can save money on homemade male enhancers which are said to boost your manhood and at the same time increase your sexual appetite (for those men who are experiencing a downwards road on their sexual life).

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    It can be a slow process but it is proven effective. Jelqs have other positive benefits besides enhancing the size of the sex organ. If you combine this exercise with natural male enhancement pills, you can acquire stronger and harder erections with improved flow of blood as well as striking development the ejaculatory control. In addition, penis exercise combined with natural male enhancement pills can improve the production of your testosterone as well as libido and semen enhancement.

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    If you have a small penis, don't worry - you are not alone. Many men are concerned about the size of their maleness, constantly worrying about how great they perform in bed and how well they please their women. They look around for artificial and natural male enhancements to take care of their dilemma. It doesn't take a genius to understand why sexual adequacy is of utmost importance. Sexual pleasure and satisfaction are things in life that no man - and woman - should be denied of; thus, steps should be immediately taken to solve sexual problems such as a small penis size.

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    There are studies that rank the various diets ( Volumetrics is number one according to Consumer Reports) followed by studies that prove that no diet works. (Those studies say it's healthier to just get slowly fatter and not diet at all.) And then there are the studies that say it's not your fault because.

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    - According to the studies, ephedra and its fellow stimulants such as bitter orange and caffeine may be effective, but they're dangerous.According to the studies, fat blockers such as chitosan and carb blockers such as white bean extract may be safe, but they are ineffective.

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    The most important determinant of how much loose skin an individual will have following weight loss is their age. Younger patients tend to have less loose skin than those who are older because of the strength of collagen in your skin. The next most important factor is the amount of weight loss. An individual who loses 200 lbs. is more likely to have excess skin than someone who has lost 80 lbs. There are other factors of who is more likely to have loose skin such as smoking, sun damage and skin color.

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    You can order them discreetly and even have them delivered right to your front door. No doctor visits or prescriptions are longer needed. You have the power to empower your sex life with natural alternatives as male pills today. But you have to take action if you want better sex.

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    The best thing which one can get from natural enhancement products is that they are entirely free of injurious side effects. On the other hand chemical product have their own side effects such as increase in blood pressure, skin irritations and can even cause insomnia in certain cases. Natural male enhancers are made completely of natural and herbal materials, thus they are 100% free from any type of side effects.

  29. The of the worst habits that people have is not eating at the kitchen table. They are either standing to eat while doing other things or they are in front of the television. Experts say that generally people who eat while watching Weight Loss Tips television eat larger servings of food. Our focus is on what we are watching, not what we are eating

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  52. Keto Blast veggies. further, your calories may be restrained (assisting with weight reduction) while you cannot integrate starches and proteins, however as a minimum you can still eat them in case you select. 7. high Carb/Low fats eating regimen a few docs and nutritionists recommend a high card/low fats weight loss program to shed pounds and stay healthy - the complete opposite of the low carb advocates. a few names related to low fat diets consist of Walter Kempner, Nathan Pritikin, Dean Ornish, and John McDougall. consistent with Dr. McDougall, his diet is "a eating .


  53. Green Vibe Keto include? let's examine that in element. we've already said that it is basically constructed from lean meat, nuts, seeds and berries whilst eschewing grains, dairy merchandise and refined processed foods. but in what quantities and ratios, one might also ask should those ingredients be taken? properly due to the fact the declare is that protein incorporates 19%-35% of the energy in hunter-gatherer diets Cordain stipulates that the diet calls for a similar quantity, that means extra proteins and meat. that is extra than that of the usa center for ailment manipulate .


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